Press Release: Gas Defence Kit Combined with TMD’s Monitoring Software

19 September 2017 – TMD Security’s Gas Defence Kit Combined with TMD’s Monitoring Software Delivers the Next Level in Active Protection against ATM Explosive Attacks

SCHAFFHAUSEN, Switzerland–(BUSINESS WIRE)–TMD Security announced today the release of Gas Defence Kit, a new addition to its expanding portfolio of physical security solutions that protect against ATM explosive attacks. Intelligent ‘spark’ technology works with TMD’s real-time remote monitoring software for a centrally controlled end-to-end defence strategy.

The number of explosive attacks rose by forty seven percent to 988 in 2016 in Europe alone, according to the European Association for Secure Transactions (EAST), and seventy seven percent of these were gas attacks. Criminals use more gas to overcome defences such as stronger safes and gas suppressant systems and the risk of collateral damage and the threat to human lives are even greater.

Gas Defence Kit addresses the problem differently by ensuring that gas does not build up inside the ATM, preventing an explosion. No matter how much gas the criminal uses, the intelligent ignition module generates small sparks that safely ignite the flammable gas in a controlled way.

TMD’s monitoring software combined with Gas Defence Kit ensures that the ATM is always effectively protected and generates alerts for fast response to suspected attacks.

TMD’s monitoring software is already used together with TMD’s Card Protection Kit (CPK) by a growing number of customers worldwide. Insight into security kit status means that the ATM is continuously protected and service calls are productive, saving costs and reducing ATM down-time.

Gas Defence Kit, together with TMD’s monitoring software, will be available for all major ATM models and works with TMD’s portfolio of complementary security solutions, including Note Staining Kit.

‘We are committed to bringing game-changing defences to the industry,’ said Cees Heuker of Hoek, Founder, TMD Security. ‘TMD’s monitoring software combined with CPK hardware technology has taken anti-skimming protection to the next level and we are now also combining our monitoring software with Gas Defence Kit and future security kits including Note Staining Kit+.’

TMD Security will present its findings on how technology innovation, including Note Staining Kit shockwave technology, has helped to counter ATM crime migration at ATMIA ATM and Payment Security.

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